The game
Quidditch is a contact sport combining elements from Rugby, Handball and Dodgeball. During the game all players have to be mounted on their brooms. The Keeper and the Chasers attempt to score by throwing the Quafle through the hoops of the opposing team. The Beaters try to hit the opponent with the Bludgers. The Seeker tries to catch the Snitch, which is released to the pitch later in the game. The match continues until the Snitch is caught.
Gender rules
- Quidditch is the only mixed-gender contact sport in the world
- Maximum four players of the same gender are allowed on the pitch
- People of non-binary gender are recognized
Compliance with the rules is controlled by the referees.
- Blue card: Technical foul, 1 minute penalty
- Yellow card: For the majority of fouls, 1 minute penalty
Two yellow cards = One red card
- Red Card: heavy foul, exclusion from the match and 2 minutes penalty for the replacing player
Chaser (Poursuiveur.euse.s)
White headband
3 per team
Ball: Quaffle (1)
Role: The chasers play with the quafly and try to score by throwing the Quaffle through the opponent's hoops. Every score counts for 10 points.
Keeper (
Green headband
1 per team
Ball: Quaffle (1)
Role: Identical to the tasks of the Chasers. Additionally, Keepers protect the hoops and have special immunity within the Keeper zone.
Beater (Batteur.euse.s)
Black headband
2 per team
Ball: Bludger (3)
Role: Hitting the opponent with the Bludger. After being hit, a player has to descend from their broom and is only allowed to join the game again after returning to their team's hoops.
Seeker (Attrapeur.euse.s)
Yellow headband
1 per team
Ball: Snitch (1)
Role: Catching the Snitch, which is attached to the backpart of the shorts of the Snitch carrier. Catching the Snitch is rewarded with 30 points and finishes the match.